On this episode of Catholic Forum, after a brief introduction, the Gospel for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, and music from Paul Tate; learn about the St. Francis Hospital LIFE Program with Executive Director, Amy Milligan and Enrollment & Outreach Director, Maria Miller.
On this edition of Catholic Forum, after a short introduction and a musical selection, The Miracle Hunter, Michael O'Neill, will discuss his new book, "Exploring the Miraculous" from Our Sunday Visitor Press.
On this edition of Catholic Forum, after a brief introduction and the Gospel for the Third Sunday of Easter, Ms. Deb Fols, Director of the Office of Development for the Diocese of Wilmington, will share a message from Bishop Malooly, and discus the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal.
On the Divine Mercy Sunday edition of Catholic Forum, hear the Gospel for the Second Sunday of Easter and an interview with Vinny Flynn, author of 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy.